Declaration Of the Provincial General Council Of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) Northern Cape Province Held on 18-19 AUGUST 2012 At WEST END CLUB Kimberley The SOUTH AFRICAN DEMOCRATIC TEACHERS’ UNION Northern Cape Provincial General Council which brought together a delegation of 60 drawn from the Provincial Executive Committee, 5 Regions and 22 Branches 25 additional Delegates from branches of the Union, representing over 5500 Education workers, met under the following theme: “Organize and Empower Education Workers to deliver Free Quality Public Education and Build Socialism” The PGC noted with concern the concerted efforts by NGO’s practicing rightist agendas in glorifying private education as an alternative to public education The PGC further noted the quest to discredit the public education system as inefficient and unproductive. The PGC noted the challenges with regard to teacher wellness priorities in particular how Injury on Duty is resolved The PGC noted the effects of service delivery protests in John Taolo Gaetsiwe and the resultant closure of 64 schools in Olifantshoek and Moshaweng village affecting more than 15 000 learners. The PGC noted the insufficient communication between our professional body SACE and the educators that it is supposed to serve The PGC noted the reactionary nature of statements by NGO’s and the flawed picture these NGO’s paint about the public education system. The PGC further noted the quality of curriculum support from the curriculum units of the Northern Cape department of Education. The PGC noted the challenges we have experienced in fully unfolding our campaign on the Post Provisioning Model The PGC noted the tendency of structures not to utilize the monthly allocations to effectively service members ` The Provincial General Council then resolved to adopt the following declaration: PILLAR NUMBER 1 Effective servicing of members. To engage SACE to ensure that we develop a communication strategy between SACE and the educators so as to foreground professionalism To mandate our National leadership to engage the Department of Labour on decentralization of IOD issues To fast track the implementation of the policy on incentives and rewards To ensure that we engage the department of education with regard to employee wellness To ensure visibility of leaders throughout the year as part of membership service PILLAR NUMBER: 2 Creating a learning Nation through the involvement of our members. To call on our structures to adopt a school in their locality to ensure that we revive the culture of learning and teaching in the school in order to assist them in becoming schools of choice. To condemn the concerted efforts by NGO’s practicing a rightest agenda, and call on our members to engage any statement made by these NGO’s critically and ensure that the correct message is conveyed to our communities. PILLAR NUMBER: 3 Build socialism through the development Oriented state To condemn the closure of schools where in our view there could have been intervention from the department of education To condemn the vandalizing of schools and other property constructed to deliver services to our communities during service delivery protests To fast track the infrastructure development programme in the province To commend the ANC on ensuring that discipline, unity and cohesion are key drivers of the NDR To commend the ANC on disciplining members in particular the National leaders of the ANCYL to ensure that discipline and respect of the elders and the movement as a whole is foregrounded To re-affirm our commitment to build and support the structures of COSAS,SACP and SASCO To engage communities affected by service delivery protests on the issues hampering education during these protests To re-affirm the resolution of the 5th Provincial Conference to condemn and petition unreasonable hikes in municipal rates by local municipalities To engage the ANC through Cosatu on an effective election strategy PILLAR NUMBER: 4 Ensuring effective worker unity. To re-affirm the unity of Cosatu and alienate and display zero tolerance to divisive elements PILLAR NUMBER: 5 To ensure a delivery based organizational Excellence. To re-affirm our commitment to our 2030 vision with regards to building a delivery based organizational capacity by empowering our negotiators and site stewards to effectively service non-CS members To engage the department of education with regard to the extension of the contracts of temporary teachers to a year in order to ensure continuity in service and membership To ensure that leaders have the necessary tools to serve members and activate other technological means of communication with members To ensure that structures of the union utilize the monthly allocations towards building an effective organizational capacity to ensure better service to members In unison we declare to go back to the drawing board and effectively service our members in recognition of our fallen heroes! Long live SADTU! Long live! The SOUTH AFRICAN DEMOCRATIC TEACHERS’ UNION Northern Cape Provincial General Council which brought together a delegation of 60 drawn from the Provincial Executive Committee, 5 Regions and 22 Branches 25 additional Delegates from branches of the Union, representing over 5500 Education workers, met under the following theme: